Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why People Arent Talking About Need Help to Writing a Research Paper and What You Need to Do Today
Why People Aren't Talking About Need Help to Writing a Research Paper and What You Need to Do Today Need Help to Writing a Research Paper Secrets It's possible to always reach out to your writer to supply more particulars or request information concerning the order's progress. Ebook online dating can enable you to find superior advice. With an ever-increasing quantity of reviews being published each calendar year, and with everyone having to compose a literature review sooner or later during their time at university, it is crucial to comprehend what a literature review is and the way to write it. If you're struggling with presenting a commendable literature review, it is the right time to look for the very best dissertation writing service online that may help you out. The Characteristics of Need Help to Writing a Research Paper As you need about the info you'll be able to learn. Now there's a list of resources. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Law Enforcement - 585 Words
Ethics Issues Law Enforcement Stephanie L. Howe, Brenda Deyo, Bergette Shepherd, Martis Mcfadden CJA/324 April 1, 2013 Donal Hardin Ethics Issues Law enforcement men and women put their lives on the line to serve and protect the communities that they live in but it is when one or two of those make a bad decision that can quickly change the perspective of society. This perspective of trust, respect, safety and integrity can be changed in a short time by a few unethical choices and to rebuild that perspective can take many years. This is a sad world that we live in when we cannot trust the people that have sworn to serve and protect our communities to make the right decisions when it comes to their duties. There are so many†¦show more content†¦The whole ordeal was caught on video by other detectives that were investing human trafficking nearby, whom stepped in to get help to the beaten men (Lynch, 2013) . These three particular incidents appear to be nothing out of the ordinary these days for police departments across the country, all of this are very inappropriate and all different forms of misconduct unethical to say the least. The officers of time past were respectful and treated people the way that they should fair, innocent until proven guilty and there were not as many officers that were being called out for misconduct. This is partly due to the swing in society but also the capabilities of cell phones, on board cameras and the ability to share just as quick as you can record, technology surely has not been friendly to the police in America. The technology meant to protect the police is now their downfall because of their heinous actions, that are less than ethical but also less than human. References Lynch, T. (2013, March 26). National Police Misconduct Reporting Project. Retrieved from WDIV Detroit. (2013, March 27). Ex-Royal Oak officer sentenced to prison for child porn on home computer. Retrieved fromShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology In Law Enforcement1494 Words  | 6 Pages Technology has been changing for years. It has been improving and it has been improving very fast. Technology place a big role in law enforcement. Before all the improvements in technology it was usually the officer’s words against the subjects. That has change dramatically. Law enforcement personal wear cameras on their body to record their encounters with the people they are dealing with. This helps with the safety of the officers and also the people they are dealing with. TechnologyRead MoreLaw Enforcement : An Amazing Experience Essay1540 Words  | 7 PagesLaw enforcement do so much in the world. No matter where you go they are always helping people. I did not truly understand what they all do until I went on a ride along with the Columbus police department. Going on this ride along was an amazing experience. I had the pleasure to meet two officers. The first one is Officer Black who I started my ride along with. The second officer is who I finished with. I believe hi s name was Officer Heusinkvelt. Officer Black first took me on a tour of theRead MoreThe Levels Of Law Enforcement1190 Words  | 5 PagesUnited States, there are three levels of law enforcement, there is the Federal level, the State level, and the Local level. The levels of law enforcement have various duties but most duties are very similar. Every day in the field is very different. The job can also be extremely stressful, and law enforcement professionals need specific training to succeed. A career in law enforcement is a secure job to have because crime never stops. What is law enforcement? It is a system where members of societyRead MoreThe Delivery Of Law Enforcement907 Words  | 4 PagesLaw enforcement agencies could face severe budget cuts if the nation’s economy struggles and local tax revenues drop. The consequences of spending cuts may cost layoffs, reduced services, shuttered public facilities and badly needed infrastructure improvements pushed back even further (Tameez, 2014). The del ivery of law enforcement services will fundamentally change as a result of severe budget cuts. Hundreds of officers in a single police department could be laid off, which means there will be fewerRead MoreEssay on Law Enforcement and Leadership1449 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Police leadership uses standardization and procedure as a way to create consistency and predict ¬ability in law enforcement operations (Batts, Smoot, Scrivner, 2012). The San Diego Police Department, like nearly all law enforcement agencies uses leadership models mimicking the United States military. Paramilitary organizations use highly structured framing to conduct business operations. The structural frame creates compartmentalized specialization, and predictable, uniform task performanceRead MoreLaw Enforcement Cameras an Invasion of Privacy1083 Words  | 5 PagesThe past decade has seen a proliferation of law enforcement security cameras in public areas, with central London having more cameras than any other city. In cities like New York, Los Angeles, and central London, cameras can be found at almost every intersection. Terrorist attacks have been a major basis for this significant increase in law enforcement security cameras; however, privacy advocates, along with many o f the public, feel that it’s an invasion of privacy. People are concerned that allRead MoreLaw Enforcement Within The United States2953 Words  | 12 Pages Law Enforcement officers have one of the most critical jobs in the United States. Their lives are always on the line and they are of high regards. This means they cannot fail! The results of their jobs do not only depend on their actions but also on the people. What this means is the community has a huge role when it comes to solving crime. Though many people may not believe it, they are the key to a successful crime prevention community. The people of the United States don’t really understand bothRead MoreSuccessful Law Enforcement Agency Management1225 Words  | 5 Pagesdifference between a successful law enforcement organization or its failure. There are several theories on effective management in law enforcement and the business world alike. Some of those theories can cross over and be helpful for a law enforcement manager. A manager can have the knowledge of all theory relative to law enforcement management, but without understanding several key concepts, the manager will in turn not be effective. An effective law enforcement manager is responsible for far moreRead MoreDiversity in Law Enforcement Essay926 Words  | 4 PagesFinal Paper Diversity in law enforcement has grown to become a hot topic within the law enforcement community. The demographic of society has changed dramatically over the last 20 years and with that law enforcement has been changing, but have they been changing enough? Different law enforcement agencies have their own ways of implementing diversity in their practices and procedures, some of them are better than others, but with issues that happen today it is important that they do something. Read MoreThe Law Enforcement Oath Of Honor1540 Words  | 7 Pages and few other lines of work can offer. The Law Enforcement Oath of Honor as stated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police goes: â€Å"On my honor, †¨I will never betray my badge, †¨my integrity, my character, †¨or the public trust. †¨I will always have†¨the courage to hold myself†¨and others accountable for our actions. †¨I will always uphold the constitution, my community, and the agency I serve.†(IACP) Before any officer takes the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor, one of the most important aspects
Monday, December 9, 2019
To What Extent Can Economics Be Considered a Science free essay sample
The issue of categorizing fields of academia truly â€Å"scientific†is invariably complex, leading to much debate. Matters such as defining what Science actually is, how to judge what can satisfy such a definition and the importance of beneficial discoveries all lead to further unsolved arguments which must be understood in order to make any kind of judgment. For economics, there is the argument that broad assumptions lead to imprecise data, that any tests are fundamentally flawed by their un-replicable nature, and that with so much dependant on human behavior, there can never be finite conclusions. Conversely these points are argued down, with justification of how they do indeed fulfill scientific criteria and that economics has led to many much-valued scientific discoveries. In order to better understand these arguments and judge the credibility of what is being said I will ascertain what is meant by a Science, look at how economics can be said to fulfill this, how it deviates from it and then cite important examples where further judgment can be considered. So what does â€Å"science†mean? To take what could be seen as the most widely agreed upon meaning and consider the dictionary definition it is â€Å"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment†. The relative generalisation of this statement leads us to further interpretation. A process that appears to be key throughout any degree of scientific study is that of hypotheses validation. The idea is that through observation of a phenomenon, one can hypothesise an explanation of it and also predict other phenomena that follow as a result. Previously, before the formalisation of the social sciences throughout the 19th century, it was commonly accepted that the only approach to validate such hypothesis was through the use of Scientific Method. This process involves performing, repeatable, controlled, experimental tests on a hypothesis in an attempt to validate it (hence transforming it into a â€Å"theory†) with quantitative results. Although this serves well as a theoretical ideal, it is often the case that predictions can be verified into theories where such precise testing is simply unachievable. Take Darwins theory of natural selection; there were of course no methodological tests that could be performed to prove its legitimacy since he didn’t have millions of years to watch species evolve survival characteristics. However through dense observation of thousands of different animals he could accurately demonstrate how and why his predictions must be true. This links in with philosopher Karl Popper’s widely accepted theory of science: that any scientific statement must be open to the logical possibility of being found false by observation or experiment. For example the statement â€Å"all grass is green†is empirically verifiable because there could be grass of another colour. The same is true for more complex, detailed statements. So conclusively, to categorize academia as science, it must be formed upon the discovery of previously untested theories that have been validated to an almost perfect degree of certainty, making them widely accepted beyond question. As I will demonstrate, it is the proof with certainty that is often called into question within the economic profession. When examining the argument of economics as unscientific, I have come to see that it’s more a case of finding ways in which it doesn’t fit in with scientific reasoning. This, as opposed to one specific case being put forward to discredit it entirely, leads to much more discussion, allowing merit to be assigned to each reason individually. This evaluation will be best done once the reasoning on either side has been explained. In terms of methodology, mainstream economists operate in much the same way as practitioners of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry and physics). They look to construct models that can be used to explain and predict phenomena. However, conducting controlled experiments in economics is impossible. This is because of the often numerous assumptions that have to be considered when formulating any model of economic behaviour. Perhaps the two key assumptions are those of economic rationally and ceteris paribus. Economists assume that all people, as consumers, employees or whichever role they fulfil in a particular scenario, will always act as rational agents, seeking to maximise any potential self-gain that can be achieved. This is of course not always the case; people will consider other factors such as moral issues or long-term strategies. Consequently, models involving such an assumption will always involve a degree of error, variable in size depending on the weight the assumption carries; this could therefore strongly affect the validity of any conclusions. This then calls into question its scientific status, since the proof given to affirm the hypothesis is only true to an unknown extent. The Ceteris Paribus assumption leads to much the same sense of ambiguity. Here it is assumed that within a model, all other variables other than the one in question will remain equal throughout. 5 For the same reasons as the rationality assumption this will never always be perfectly accurate within the real world. As described by William Barnett, human beings, the subject of economics, are characterised by free will, where molecules, cells and particles, studied in the natural sciences are not. There can be no constants in the former, while the latter is replete with them. There is even a feeling from within the profession that theories are becoming handicapped by the vast quantities of mathematical formulae attributed to modelling phenomenon. The Austrian school of thought contains economists who believe Methodological Individualism (the thought that social phenomena must stem from the intentional states of individual actors, whose actions are determined by these states ) is the only accurate way to study economics. Mainstream economists do however refute the points set out above, with strong counter arguments as to how economics retains its scientific nature. The use of assumptions, they argue, is merely a tool used when an established theory has already been observed to be true; and that making such assumptions allows models to help us forecast future occurrences. Although it will be unachievable to do so with a perfect level of accuracy, it is argued that so long as economists are aware of the shortcomings of their models, no drastically imprecise conclusions will be reached. The cynics argue that any economic model is fundamentally flawed because of its reliance on assumptions. In almost all cases it is not this straight forward. Self-awareness of which assumptions can be relied upon to still give accurate data is at the forefront of any economists mind. And with the aid of modern technologies, factors that previously had to be assumed can now be broken down and modelled (eg, all the factors that determine supply). So if we were to reject the claim that assumptions and mathematical modelling can disprove economic theories, arguing that they simply expand on established knowledge, are we left with a pure science? Many would argue so, citing how the vast majority of economic theory still holds true without redictive models. Correct hypotheses validation, based upon observational analysis is irrefutably scientific. Just because economists cannot accurately model exact changes in for example, consumer demand as a reaction to a large rise in price, they can establish, though hundreds of years of statistical data, theories of how and this demand will fall. Russ Roberts, an economist specialising in international trade policy for the Hoover Institution, compares the intricate, complex human relationships found in economics to those of ecosystems studied by biologists. He argues â€Å"We do not expect a biologist to forecast how many squirrels will be alive in ten years if we increase the number of trees in the United States by 20%†questioning why, just because economics cannot produce similarly elaborate predictions around its theories, it should be brandished as unscientific. Going back to my original question, I will now try to piece together to what degree economics can be considered scientific. The very nature of human behaviour, and the sheer complexity of the economy make it intrinsically difficult to produce repeatable experiments. For example, how people will react to a specific change in interest rates can be predicted holistically, but not in the exact manner that a chemist can predict the reaction of a metal to a specified heat. This is not to say theories thus become unscientific. If they still prove hypothesis beyond any doubt (which has been proven achievable within economics) then there is no question of their scientific nature. Why then can there still be contrasting theories in economics? Mostly this only occurs when advising on the best cause of action to influence economic behaviour, when contrasting models forecast different results under different courses of action. Almost always in these cases, the underlying theory of what influences certain factors is never called into question, economists simply argue over how best to achieve the most desirable results. Such arguments will occur when models have failed and given unreliable results, due to too much weight being placed upon assumptions. This it seems is where economics is going wrong. In attempting to follow the methodology used in the natural sciences, it is distancing itself from the reality that human behaviour is what is really at the core of the profession. This can lead to ignorant overlooking of key determinants, such in the failure to foresee the credit crisis of 2008. In accepting its status as a social science, rather than constantly trying to overcomplicate itself modelling experiments that will invariably give imprecise results, economics would without doubt still be valued scientific.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Moral Of Everyman Essays - Everyman, Morality Play, Heaven
The Moral Of Everyman The Moral of Everyman Everyman, an English morality play, is an allegory of death and the fate of the soul. Summoned by Death, Everyman calls on Fellowship, Goods and Strength for help, but they desert him. Only Good Deeds and Knowledge remain faithful and lead him toward salvation. Everyman represents, in a worldly sense; every man. The play unfolds as he wrestles with his own qualities, whether they be good or evil. The way Everyman reacts to these qualities is impressive as they morally obligate him to do good or tempt him to do evil. Everyman can be pulled towards Heaven or Hell and it is not until Death knocks at his door that he begins to follow the path towards Heaven. Every character represents a different characteristic of the main character, Everyman. The characters are symbolic. For example, Beauty, Strength, and Discretion are some different characteristics that were expressed in Everyman. It is true that these characteristics make up a person, but they are not the most important. The most important characteristic in a person is doing good deeds. Knowledge also makes up who a person can be. Everyman had many important characteristics in his life, but, when Everyman went to the afterlife, the only thing that went with him was his knowledge, and good deeds. Death was an important character in Everyman. Death symbolized a messenger of God. He was the figure that went down to earth to retrieve Everyman and take him to the afterlife. Death was a significant part of Everyman because he motivated Everyman to find something to accompany him on his eternal journey to heaven or to hell. All of the characters that Everyman pleads with to be his companion forsake him. Only one character, Good Deeds, holds true to his word to accompany Everyman. When Everyman makes his reckoning to God, his good deeds are the only things that speak for him. In the end, Everyman's soul is saved, but only by the grace of God. For He and He alone decides who is admitted to His Kingdom. The strong influence of the Roman Catholic Church at that time period was evident in the references to Mary and Good Deeds. For they believed that good deeds could get you into heaven. Believing that you could gain entrance into heaven by simply doing good deeds is a foolish belief. For as Christians, we know that Ephesians 2:8 and 9 says, ?For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Do videogames contribute to gun violence Essay Example
Do videogames contribute to gun violence Essay Example Do videogames contribute to gun violence Essay Do videogames contribute to gun violence Essay Do videogames contribute to gun violence? In modern society, many people like to play video games. Some people even become addicted to it. They dont go to work, and they Just play video games all day. I think video games are good for killing time and entertainment, but we shouldnt play too much. Playing video games does not help people for anything. Many people also think that playing violent video games would make people become violent. According to a survey, a whopping 75% of polled parents think violent video games contribute to violence. In my opinion, I think video games do contribute to gun violence. First, some people are too addicted to violence video games, and they cant differentiate the real world and the virtual world. They think people could resurrect in the real world like the characters in video games, or they might kill people in the reality and think they are still playing video games. As COuellet says, The isolated realities that enter a persons subconscious and mind through repetitive viewing or participation in violent video games can easily translate to acts of violence in real life(COuellet). I think this is very likely to happen when a person plays video games for many days without etting enough sleep. Secondly, some people especially children would simulate the scenes that they think is interesting in video games, or they might simulate the characters in video games. Children often have a strong curiosity, and they often dont know what is right or wrong, so they might do the things that are from video games. Children are more likely to simulate things from video games according to the web, mfoung children are more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making, they may mimic the ctions they see in violent video games(ProCon. org). In addition, the people, who use guns to shoot other people in the real world, they all play violent video games. There is something terrible that happened in 1999. The students Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris opened fire in their Colorado high school. They shot 20 people, and 13 of them were dead. According to the media, The media revealed that Harris and Klebold played a lot of violent video games, including Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Mortal Kombat. 0ulia Layton). When people play a lot of violence video games, and they kill lot of people in the games, they think it is not serious to kill people. It would be very terrible if they get used to it. Finally, video games often reward players for simulating violence. Players would get reward from killing in video games instead of punishing them. This would encourage people to be violence. Moreover, violent video games teach children that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems. A study from 2009 found that children who play violent video games have lower belief in the use of nonviolent strategies and are less forgiving than players of nonviolent video games. According to a web, Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts(ProCon. org). In conclusion, I think playing violence video games would make people become violence. First, some people cant differentiate the real world and the virtual world. They think people in the real world could resurrect like in video games. Secondly, children often have a strong curiosity, so tney mlgnt simulate tne scenes tnat make tnem Teel Interested. In aaaltlon e people, who use guns to shoot other people in the real world, they all play violent video games. Finally, video games reward players when they do killing in video games instead of punishment. Besides, video games teach children that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems. COuellet. Does violence in video games contribute to real life violence? Helium. Web. 13 June. 2008. Do violent video games contribute to youth violence? ProCon. org. Web. Layton Julia. Do violent video games lead to real violence? HowStuffWorks. Web.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Ides of March
The Ides of March The Ides of March (Eidus Martiae in Latin) is a day on the traditional Roman calendar that corresponds to the date of March 15th on our current calendar. Today the date is commonly associated with bad luck, a reputation that it earned at the end of the reign of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (100–43 BCE). A Warning In 44 BCE, Julius Caesars rule in Rome was in trouble. Caesar was a demagogue, a ruler who set his own rules, frequently bypassing the Senate to do what he liked, and finding supporters in the Roman proletariat and his soldiers. The Senate made Caesar dictator for life in February of that year, but in truth, he had been the military dictator governing Rome from the field since 49. When he returned to Rome, he kept his stringent rules. According to the Roman historian Suetonius (690–130 CE), the haruspex (seeress) Spurinna warned Caesar in mid-February 44, telling him that the next 30 days were to be fraught with peril, but the danger would end on the Ides of March. When they met on the Ides of March Caesar said you are aware, surely, that the Ides of March have passed and Spurinna responded, surely you realize that they have not yet passed? CAESAR to SOOTHSAYER: The Ides of March are come. SOOTHSAYER (softly): Ay, Caesar, but not gone. - Shakespeares Julius Caesar What Are Ides, Anyway? The Roman calendar did not number days of an individual month sequentially from first to last as is done today. Rather than sequential numbering, the Romans counted backward from three specific points in the lunar month, depending on the length of the month. Those points were the Nones (which fell on the fifth in months with 30 days and the seventh day in 31-day months), the Ides (the thirteenth or the fifteenth), and the Kalends (the first of the following month). The Ides typically occurred near a month’s midpoint; specifically on the fifteenth in March. The length of the month was determined by the number of days in the moons cycle: Marchs Ides date was determined by the full moon. Why Caesar Had to Die There were said to be several plots to kill Caesar and for a multitude of reasons. According to Suetonius, the Sybelline Oracle had declared that Parthia could only be conquered by a Roman king, and the Roman consul Marcus Aurelius Cotta was planning to call for Caesar to be named king in mid-March. The senators feared Caesars power, and that he might overthrow the Senate in favor of general tyranny. Brutus and Cassius, the main conspirators in the plot to kill Caesar, were magistrates of the Senate, and as they would not be allowed to either oppose the crowning of Caesar nor remain silent, they had to kill him. A Historical Moment Before Caesar went to the theater of Pompey to attend the Senate meeting, he had been given advice not to go, but he did not listen. Doctors had advised him not to go for medical reasons, and his wife, Calpurnia, also did not want him to go based off of troubling dreams that she had. On the Ides of March, 44 BCE, Caesar was murdered, stabbed to death by the conspirators near the Theatre of Pompey where the Senate was meeting. Caesar’s assassination transformed Roman history, as it was a central event in marking the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. His assassination resulted directly in the Liberator’s Civil War, which was waged to avenge his death. With Caesar gone, the Roman Republic did not last long and was eventually replaced by the Roman Empire, which lasted approximately 500 years. The initial two centuries of the Roman Empire’s existence were known to be a time of supreme and unprecedented stability and prosperity. The time period came to be known as â€Å"Roman Peace.†Anna Perenna Festival Before it became notorious as the day of Caesars death, the Ides of March was a day of religious observations on the Roman calendar, and it is possible that the conspirators chose the date because of that. In ancient Rome, a festival for Anna Perenna (Annae festum geniale Pennae) was held on the Ides of March. Perenna was a Roman deity of the circle of the year. Her festival originally concluded the ceremonies of the new year, as March was the first month of the year on the original Roman calendar. Thus, Perenna’s festival was celebrated enthusiastically by the common people with picnics, eating, drinking, games, and general revelry. The Anna Perenna festival was, like many Roman carnivals, a time when celebrants could subvert traditional power relations between social classes and gender roles when people were allowed to speak freely about sex and politics. Most importantly the conspirators could count on the absence of at least a part of the proletariat from the center of the city, while others would be watching the gladiators games. Sources Balsdon, J. P. V. D. The Ides of March. Historia: Zeitschrift Fà ¼r Alte Geschichte 7.1 (1958): 80-94. Print.Horsfall N. 1974. The Ides of March: Some New Problems. Greece Rome 21(2):191-199.Horsfall, Nicholas. The Ides of March: Some New Problems. Greece Rome 21.2 (1974): 191-99. Print.Newlands, Carole. Transgressive Acts: Ovids Treatment of the Ides of March. Classical Philology 91.4 (1996): 320-38. Print.Ramsey, John T. Beware the Ides of March!: An Astrological Prediction? The Classical Quarterly 50.2 (2000): 440-54. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Avon Calls on Foreign Markets Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Avon Calls on Foreign Markets - Case Study Example This strategy guarantees increased sales because it captures the local customer needs. Given that the operation of the company is spread to different regions, this strategy captures the needs of people with different skin sensitivity to beauty products.         Additionally, another marketing orientation is the customer. Avon’s approaches in marketing are that it targets women. It takes into contemplation the age group of cosmetics users and the places where the women population propagates more rapidly. This strategy employs independent sales persons or Avon representatives, who places sales orders with Avon and deliver the same to customers. Another orientation employed by Avon is social marketing orientation that entails; a breast cancer crusade that creates a global awareness on breast cancer and community outreach and education. This strategy is core, because it targets its leading customers: the women.        A horde of re asons made Avon concentrate on more on the foreign operations than the U.S market. First, it was due to a forecast of a slow growth rate in the U.S market given that most of the market had been permeated already, and there remained no virgin market for its products. Therefore, any growth or increased sales would entail Avon competing to grab its competitor’s market share and given the nature of competition prevalent in the U.S market, Avon chose to direct its energy on less competitive arenas.          Secondly, Avon chose to redirect its energies away from the U.S market due to the changing nature and dynamism.... A horde of reasons made Avon concentrate on more on the foreign operations than the U.S market. First, it was due to a forecast of a slow growth rate in the U.S market given that most of the market had been permeated already, and there remained no virgin market for its products. Therefore, any growth or increased sales would entail Avon competing to grab its competitor’s market share and given the nature of competition prevalent in the U.S market, Avon chose to direct its energy on less competitive arenas. Secondly, Avon chose to redirect its energies away from the U.S market due to the changing nature and dynamism of its main market which affected its distribution strategies. Avon has been built around direct marketing whereby the Avon ladies sell directly to households and giving beauty advice. Therefore, direct sales were the backbone of the company for a long time. However, it the 20th century, many U.S women were making forays into the workforce. This had twin effect in t hat access to the women in their homes was hampered. Secondly, the number of women seeking part time employment with Avon reduced. On the other hand, there existed untapped markets elsewhere, for example, in inaccessible and remote part of Brazil and Philippines. A global recession like the one that happened in 2008 is not likely to curtail Avon activities materially. Indeed, it increases the number of people willing to work part time and independently, on which Avon marketing strategy is built. To add, since Avon has diversified its market to capture the foreign market is not likely to affect all the markets negatively at once. In fact, when things were gloomy in the United States, the foreign markets looked bright.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What accounts for current dilemmas concerning humanitarian Essay
What accounts for current dilemmas concerning humanitarian intervention - Essay Example The notion of â€Å"intervention†is to defend the rights of any foreign subject of any oppressive ruler. This idea was developed by Hugo Grotius in the 17th century but â€Å"humanitarian intervention†was first used in 19th century for the purpose of justification of intervention done by the European powers, in order to protect the people that were under the oppression of Ottoman power. The first instance of humanitarian intervention took place in Greece in 1827 which then lead to an independent Greece in the year 1830. The idea of human intervention then clashed with that of the growing assumption that all the states must have equal right in the protection of their sovereignty and for interfering in the affairs of some other state was considered to be wrong (Wheeler, 2000). The modern idea of human intervention gained much popularity in the middle of the 18th century when it was revised by Wolff and Vattel. The idea was widely accepted in the 20th century after communism spread and many colonies were formed. In the views of the new independent states and the communist countries, the doctrine of intervention was considered to be one solid shield against what they considered to be endemic and constant intervention. There were three kinds of movements that were associated with humanitarian intervention and the first one developed among the victims which supported intervention. For example the development of the anti-war movement in Bosnia before the out breaking of the war called for an international protectorate. In a state where the government plays and important role, the actors of the civil societies try not to show any movement with exception to the case of Yugoslavia. However a second kind of movement was seen in Europe in the Bosnian war (Anon., 20 00). There is no legal or standard definition present of Humanitarian
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Underserved Countries Essay Example for Free
Underserved Countries Essay Using the marketing techniques in the local commerce may not be appropriate for some segments of the international market. In this case, it would be necessary to first know the overall opportunities and challenges which may be found among countries or regions where a particular company may want to invest in. Considering the implementation of plans to invest in underserved countries, the region to be analyzed is the Asian general market. Apparently, Asia is on the verge of development as an offshoot of the Asian Miracle in the early 1990’s. Although it suffered from a financial crisis in 1997, it has already recuperated itself to attract even more investors outside the region. The main opportunities which can be found in Asia are inline with how the Western investors prefer in a developing market. In fact, the looming US recession lead investors to consider South East Asia as a possible haven for investment following the growth of China and India (Crispin, 2007). Another good investment factor in Asia is the fact that the region’s economies offer very low labor rates (Gumbell, 2004), a plus for companies which intends to increase its manpower for direct selling and distributorship. Although Asia provides some of the greatest investment opportunities, the region is also exposed to defined challenges. For one, most Asian economies heavily depend on the western economic performance such as the United States and European Union. If there will be a slight undervalued performance from these regions, direct stock market hits can be felt in Asian markets. Although it is not that huge of an impact, there is always a tendency to slow down especially when it comes to unstable economic commodities such as oil prices and imports (International Herald Tribune, 2005). In addition to possible risks in economic dependencies, some Asian countries are also vulnerable to peace and order concerns which badly affect investor confidence. In a larger perspective however, Asia remains as one of the top performing regions when it comes to foreign investments. Getting to know the specific profile of a country can help in deciding about an investment plan. This analysis can open up more decisive factors to enable a company to consider doing business with a specific economy or not. References Crispin, S. 2007. SE Asia offers haven from US turmoil. Asia Times Online.Retrieved February 26, 2008 from http://www. atimes. com/atimes/Asian_Economy/IL22Dk01. html. Gumbell, P. 2004. Outsourcing Chasing Cheap Labor to the East. Time Inc. Retrieved February 26, 2008 from http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,901040412-607777,00. html. International Herald Tribune. 2005. East Asia Growth Rate Expected to Slow. IHT. Retrieved February 26, 2008 from http://www. iht. com/articles/2005/08/09/business/adb. php.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Oil and The Internal Combustion Engine Essay -- Engines History Histor
Oil and The Internal Combustion Engine Our cars are powered by an obscure fuel source. The answer to this lies many decades or, more accurately, perhaps centuries ago. The inventors and pioneers such as Rudolf Diesel, Felix Wankel and Nikolaus Otto, would have never considered the fuel that they did if they knew the kind of political ramifications that it would have had on the world today. I propose, that due to this fuel source, the internal combustion engine as we know it has been a perpetual source of top-down exploitation ever since Henry Ford mass produced the first model T. At the time of the engine’s development, Gasoline (which is a derivative of oil) was cheap, plentiful and most importantly, a potentially powerful fuel. It provided smooth combustion and the ability to work hard without all of the messy details usually associated with the maintenance of farm animals. That is why the first engines were rated in ‘Horse power’ since it was a direct measure of how much work an engine could perform in relation to its animal counterpart. Jump to the present, we use internal combustion engines in our everyday lives, most notably in our cars but also when we demand electricity which was generated using engines. We depend on the work crews that cut down trees for the wood we use to build our houses. How do they do that? Answer: chainsaws, which use one kind of engine. When someone’s home is on fire, how do the firefighters extinguish the fire? Simple, they use engines that pump water into their hoses so they can put out the blaze. The list of uses that the internal combustion engine has would take up more space than this paper can allow. So, it comes as no surprise that the internal combustion engine has such a tight grip o... ...mbustion too!) The problem that Americans face is, exploitation through the use of this technology by powerful corporations and government legislation. It would seem that all of the dinosaurs keeled over and died in all of the world’s political hot spots. But actually, this â€Å"black gold†is simply sought after due to the great demand attached to it. I think that if oil were to disappear tomorrow, we would still have exploitation from powerful ethanol companies. Perhaps there is no escaping the greed for profit no matter what the fuel supply. But certainly with a ‘renewable’ fuel supply, we can fight back a little bit harder in future generations. Works Cited: 1. Money, Nov 2000, Vol.29, Issue 12, Pg. 73, Ron Insana, Daniel Yergin 2. Forbes, Nov 2000, Vol.166, Issue 13, Pg. 56, Robin Gibb 3. Fortune, Oct 2000, Vol. 142, Issue 10, Pg. 58, David Stipp
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Popuarity of fast food outlets Essay
10. Discuss the causes of popularity of fast food. In recent years, there have been many studies conducted on fast food. According to the results of these studies, fast food has become an indispensible part of human life and has become quite popular. There are numerous reasons for the popularity of fast food restaurants among which the two most important ones are that they are cheap and easily available. To begin with, one of the most significant reasons why many people today opt for fast food restaurants is that fast food is cheap. That is to say, because the cost of the ingredients of fast food is low, the prices are also low . Therefore, as expected, people have more of a tendency to eat fast food. For instance, students have generally limited pocket money and they tend to spend their money carefully. Thus, this situation compels them to eat fast food because it is more affordable for them. Briefly, the cheapness of fast food is one of the leading causes of its popularity. Another important reason why fast food restaurants are so popular is that they are easy available. In other words, today fast food branches are very widespread and people can find them almost everywhere. People can eat food without searching for a restaurant for a long time and when they find it, they don’t have to wait for long. To illustrate, students have limited time between classes and they can easily get fast food such as toasts and hamburgers in a place close to their school. In short people do not need to spend much time eating thanks to fast food. In conclusion, there are a myriad of reasons why fast food restaurants are very popular. We always focus on the neglect effects of eating in fast food restaurants but actually we need to examine the causes of its popularity. Two main reasons are that fast food is affordable and easily available. Nevertheless, people, especially children, should be well informed about negative effects of fast food.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Beatles break up essays
Beatles break up essays As they walked off the plane, thousands of people stood there to welcome them. They were screaming their names and singing their songs. Everyone had heard of them, they were the true meaning of rock and roll; they defined it. They were the biggest sensation since Elvis; they called themselves The Beatles. They had never expected to be the next sensation. No one ever expects to become a great legend in national or world history. It had taken them two years to establish the final four members, but once they joined together they were known around the world. Even though they were not the greatest guitarists, drummers, singers or musicians (Professor Joel Friedman, personal interview). As a whole they came together as a world champion team, like a finely tuned machine. But just as every dynasty has its finest hour they came to an end, just like any great thing. No one ever wanted or thought this miraculous band would ever cease to be. However, they did, but why is the question many people still ask today. They were four young men with a dream to play in a band. The members consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison. The band was created in nineteen sixty, but the group was not fully established until nineteen sixty-two. This is when the name British Invasion first started to take acclaim. They toured around the world performing everywhere. Not wanting to ever stop for a second because of the love they all had for music and because of how hard they had worked to finally achieve what all human beings want, success. They had about seven great years together, at least from what the world new, but soon things started to change. The group began to have difficulties within themselves. Internal conflict is what brings all great things to stop working like clockwork. The question is what was so bad that this extremely talented group had to break up? There is much controversy to why the group ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Anti-Gravity Water Science Magic Trick
Anti-Gravity Water Science Magic Trick Amaze your friends with this simple science magic trick that turns ordinary water into anti-gravity water. Materials for the Water Trick Water glass with a round rim (wine glass or typical water glass)T-shirtWater Basically, all you need is water, a glass, and a cloth. A t-shirt is easy to find. Other excellent choices for the fabric would be a handkerchief, square of silk, or mens dress shirt. Choose a fabric with a tight weave or knit. Perform the Anti-Gravity Water Trick Place the cloth over the glass.Use your hand to push a depression into the fabric. This is so you can more easily fill the glass and also helps wet the material.Fill the glass about three-quarters full of water.Pull the fabric tightly over the glass.You have two choices here. You can quickly flip the glass, using a hand to hold the fabric tight. Alternatively, you can put one hand over the top of the glass, while using the other to hold the material tight and slowly invert the glass. Pull the hand over the glass away.The water doesnt pour out! How It Works Water has a high surface tension. In this trick, the water molecules absorbed into the fabric hold onto other water molecules inside the water glass. Even though there are gaps in the fabric, the attraction between water molecules overcomes the force of gravity trying to pull the water down. What do you think would happen if you lowered the surface tension of the water by using a glass that had a residue of detergent on it? What if you tried the trick with another liquid? Chances are good the surface tension of the water would be lowered enough that youd get wet! Another fun trick that works on the same principle is Magic Colored Milk.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Film Report Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Film Report - Movie Review Example The film’s theme follows a courtroom drama that involves a battle of argumentative wits between and among brilliant lawyers. The audience can see the theme initially when Manion’s wife, Laura, talked to Stewart over the phone and asked him to defend her husband. It then follows that Stewart met with Laura and Frederick in the jail, and Stewart decided to accept the case. The film used an element of legal objects and subjects, such as Stewart’s law books and the introduction of Manion’s murder case. 2) What were the choices made by the main characters and what were the consequences of those choices? First of all, when Stewart accepted to represent the defendant on court, he embarked on a tedious journey of courtroom arguments in order to defend well an accused murderer. Manion’s wife also proved to be a disadvantage on the part of the defense because of her flirty and happy-go-lucky aura. Moreover, Stewart faced some dubious statements both from Fred erick and Laura which make it harder to patch things together consistently. Stewart’s appearance on the courtroom also showcased his unique temperament which shifts from being reserved to a sudden emotional outburst and rage. Furthermore, the judge also made important decisions while the case is going on. There in that trial, tabooed words in the court were used, such as ‘panties,’ ‘slut,’ and ‘bitch’ (Brunson par. 1). Now, these words have been legally used in trial cases. Lastly, the judge’s decision in giving the victory to Stewart’s camp was prompted by Mary Pilant’s decision to give in to Stewart’s request to side with their camp and tell the court that she herself found the undergarment in their laundry room. Pilant’s decision to reveal her identity as Quill’s daughter in the court made a stunning and shocking effect on the prosecution. As a result of their collaboration, Manion was freed a nd was charged not guilty of murder. 3) What three or four sequences are most important in the film? Why? These important sequences in this movie happened during the courtroom procedure. However, the first scene that can be considered important was when Stewart visited Manion for the first time in jail which initially got Stewart his impression towards Manion. He also learned about his marriage with Laura. It then follows that Stewart was set for the murder trial because he found out a precedent for ‘irresistible impulse’ in a Michigan court decision, and he began a battle with the two prosecution lawyers. Stewart, in one of his arguments, insisted that Quill and Manion had troubles before the murder happened because the former might have a fondness for Laura, and that Manion murdered Quill out of irresistible impulse, meaning he did not deliberately kill Quill but did so because he was ‘forced to its execution by an impulse.’ The case was sealed after Mary Pilant agreed to lie in court and tell the jury that she found Laura’s underwear in their laundry room suggesting that Quill did rape Laura. 4) Did the ?lm surprise you with anything unusual in its story, style, technique, or implications? Although I have seen modern courtroom drama films, such as My Sister’s Keeper, Erin Brockovich and The Exorcism of Emily Rose, I can say that this movie surprises me
Thursday, October 31, 2019
A portfolio about Karl Benjamin(an artist), and discussing the meaning Essay
A portfolio about Karl Benjamin(an artist), and discussing the meaning of the work, its form, its context, its qualities - Essay Example He experimented with oil paints and found their translucence intriguing and began to use them in a flat mode, in interlocking geometric patterns with well-defined clean edges, which later came to be known as hard-edged painting. Benjamin eliminates any trace of brushwork using big, flat brushes to spread the paint in the designated area, and creates the hard-edges by using masking tape around the area to be painted. The patterns cover the entire picture, leaving no empty spaces, and rarely convey an impression of depth. They seem to flicker and move due to a well-planned use of color, which comes as much from Benjamin’s use of intellect as his intuition. The shapes used are often triangles, lozenges, squares, pyramids and vertical stripes, and their existence in the paintings is defined by the colors used to create them. Benjamin sometimes uses mathematical formulas and progressions to choose the color types, tones, shades and hues for one particular painting. He also paints his work in series in such a way that sometimes the only difference between two paintings lies in the colors used, shapes remaining identical. Benjamin has definite political opinions, but they have never been expressed in his work, which remains resolutely abstract. His works emerge out of a pure fascination with color, and seek to intensively examine the relationships between various shades and types to create moods: most of his chosen colors are sunny, brilliant, and are often used in blinding contrasts. His first groundbreaking exhibition was in 1954, and since then his collections have been exhibited numerous times in various galleries and museums, where his work has been noted for its wit and inventiveness. An example is the painting simply called "#4," dated 1972, which is a rectangle 128 cms* 170cms. This proportion has been adapted as the ratio of height and width for all the 576 colored rectangles Benjamin has painted in this picture. The color distribution covers the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Labor Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Labor Standards - Essay Example However, overtime compensation may be offered based on the agreement. On the other hand, Nonexempt can be described as an arrangement where employees are entitled to overtime compensation and minimum wage as outlined in the Fair Labor Standard Act. An executive exception can be said to be the benefits that accrue to individuals based on their positions in an organization. Subsequently, administrative exemption refers to favors that people enjoy for holding administrative posts in an organization such as the supervisors. Profession exemptions are exclusions that individuals get due to some expertise power. The WTPA became effective in 2011 and was mainly constituted to ensure that wages for workers are safe. The WTPA obliges employers to provide new workers with a written notice of wage rates and the formal payment dates. The US government realized that most employers were not ethical in disbursing wages to workers. In essence, several cases arose regarding wage theft and, therefore, there was a need to formulate a legislation that provide a solution to such issues. The law is of great interest to my company in that it provides an oversight of the legal repercussions that might happen once wage theft is reported to the relevant
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Ultimate Goal Of JIT
The Ultimate Goal Of JIT JIT is a Japanese concept. Also called the Toyota production system, it aims at producing the necessary parts in quantities needed, at the time they are required. The ultimate goal of JIT is to eliminate inventory, to have minimal work in process inventory monitored by reduction in working capital. JIT considers 7 types of wastes. Overproduction producing more than the customer needs Transportation Anywhere where goods are moved within a process Waiting where waiting time occurs, traditionally where one process waits for another to finish before it can start. Inventory typified by stock or materials that are not being used in the process or current activity. Motion Poor planning and organizational layout often cause motion waste Over processing where steps occur in the production process that do not add value to the end customer this is termed overproduction Defects The process results in an error or requires rework JIT divides all works into value adding and non-value adding activities and then eliminates all non value adding activities. Kanban is one means through which JIT is achieved. It is a scheduling system that tells you what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means fail-safing or mistake-proofing. Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur. Autonomation describes a feature of machine design to affect the principle of jidoka. At Toyota this usually means that if an abnormal situation arises the machine stops and the worker will stop the production line. Kaizen refers to the philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, supporting business processes, and management. Literature review Weiters (1984) in one of the first literatures on this topic states that Financial justification of JIT in service industries is less likely but in service industries JIT offers intangible benefits in terms of improved service quality and customer satisfaction.(cited by Inman and Mehra 1990) Benson (1986) was the first to point out Service operations are organised systems of production processes with the same potential of improvement through implementation of JIT precepts as manufacturing operations Cited by Duclos et. al. 1995 Berling and Geppi (1989) studied the supply chain of healthcare sector and offered JIT as an approach to hospitals in order to reduce inventory. They suggested closer relationships between hospitals and distributors. Billesbach and Schniederjans (1989) present a case study on JIT application in an administration setting. The case was on a big corporation and JIT programme was implemented in the headquarters of this corporation. Their approach was based on examining activities and the ones not contributing to result to be eliminated. Inman and Mehra (1990) had worked on FedEx. This package delivery company implements JIT to reduce their inventory of quasi-MRO goods (mainly packaging, labelling supplies).aimed at improving their service quality and competitiveness through implementation of JIT and anticipated that inventories would be reduced as a result. Lee (1990) presents a case study of a small bank. Study is focused on this banks loan approval process. Bank follows a two phase process and first evaluates the applications and makes the decision of lending in second phase. This process usually takes 12 days. Applying JIT approach whole process is redesigned and several tasks are unified. New approval process takes 4-5 days. Wasco et. al.( 1991) presents a case Kodaks quality assurance division. This division provides services to worldwide chain of Kodak. An MRP II system is implemented with JIT approach and conclusion of the study is JIT techniques enhance the potential of MRP application. One of the most radical case studies is presented by Barlow (2002). He investigates the applicability of JIT techniques to hotel industry. Weakness of this study is it concentrates on liquor stocks of these hotels and draws conclusions on if statements and these hotels actually do not adopt any JIT techniques. Ruiz (2003 pp.1) JIT focuses on the process, not product. Therefore it can be applied (in theory) to any group of processes, whether manufacturing or service. Ultimate goal of JIT is to produce a good and a service without waste Literature on the matter quite confidently states that JIT can be applied in services and through reported case studies evidence is provided. JIT applications in service industries are vague in some sense. There are no empirical studies and reported case usually resembles manufacturing setting. Service operations management evolution How to implement JIT in services? A philosophy of manufacturing excellence based on pursuit of the planned elimination of all waste and consistent improvement of productivity. It encompasses the successful execution of all manufacturing activities required to produce a final product from design engineering to delivery and including all stages from conversion of raw material onward (APICS, 1992). Total visibility of equipment, people, material and processes; Synchronization and balance of production to sales and supply to production; Respect for people Line operators is responsible for production, problem solving and improvement; Flexibility adapt production to customer needs; Continuous improvement never satisfied with the process; Responsibility for the operations environment those who design, manage and operate the processes are responsible for the outcome; Holistic approach companywide philosophy of elimination of waste; Each of these JIT themes may be applicable to service organizations; Synchronization and balance of information and work flow matching output with customer demand one of the important aspects of service operations often cannot inventory the output of their processes making balance even more vital Semantodontics, a direct marketing company selling nationwide by catalogue to dentists, also found JIT an appropriate approach for reducing the time to process paperwork (Conant, 1988) and, hence, the time required for a dentist to receive an order. The idea of making lot sizes as small as possible was implemented by decreasing the batch size in which telephone orders were aggregated. As a result, telephone orders were moved to the second stage of the process three times daily rather than once a day, as was the previous norm. Set-up time for entering new customer records was reduced by moving the process to the original telephone operation where the data were first gathered. The decrease in order batch size had a behavioural impact on employees as well. From the sense of satisfaction gained on completion of multiple small batches, employees tended to work faster and more efficiently. Atlantic Envelope Company uses kanban trays at its Atlanta facility to move documents within the order entry department. Order entry time fell to under a day from a previous uncertain number of days. Total visibility of all components of the process Northern Telecom Inc.s (NTI) Customer Service Centre borders the traditional manufacturing environment (Savage-Moore, 1988) and the implementation is a good example of providing visibility through the use of work cells. This unit of NTI has the labour-intensive responsibility of repairing printed circuit packs (PCPs). For an individual PCP, it is difficult to predefine the specific repair process required, not unlike a job shop environment. The work cell concept was applied to keep all work on a PCP performed within a single cell and by one team of employees. This provided all employees repairing a PCP with visibility as to the repair needs and processes used to repair the product. Additionally, employees were cross-trained to staff the cells and jobs were redefined to recognize employee training efforts. Over a two-year period, NTI saw customer service levels increase from 85 per cent to 100 per cent and quality levels significantly improved. Work-in-progress inventory was reduced b y 75 per cent and repair cycle times reduced from one week to less than 48 hours. Continuous improvement of the process The Manufacturing Quality Assurance Organization at Kodak in Rochester, New York provides specialized services in the form of sample testing of photographic film, chemical and environmental testing, equipment development and calibration control. JIT precepts were introduced to provide a framework for involving the entire organization in continuous improvement (Wasco et al., 1991). Fifty JIT cells were established to start the JIT delivery of products or services based on functional precepts. JIT activities were used to reduce work-handling steps and run times. Improvements through JIT techniques saved an average of $33,000 per month in 1990. Holistic approach to elimination of waste suppliers Few suppliers; Nearby suppliers; Repeat business with same suppliers; Active use of analysis to enable desirable suppliers to become/stay price-competitive; Clusters of remote suppliers, competitive bidding mostly limited to new part numbers; Buyer plant resists vertical integration and subsequent wipe-out of supplier business; Suppliers are encouraged to extend JIT buying to their suppliers; Quantities: Steady output rate (a desirable prerequisite); Frequent delivery in small quantities; Long-term contract agreements; Minimal release paperwork; Delivery quantities variable from release to release, but fixed for whole contract term; Little or no permissible overage or underage of receipts; Suppliers encouraged to package in exact quantities; Suppliers encouraged reducing their production lot sizes (or store unreleased material); Quality: Minimal product specifications imposed on supplier; Help suppliers to meet quality requirements; Close relationships between buyers and suppliers quality assurance people; Suppliers encouraged to use process control charts instead of lot sampling inspection; shipping: Scheduling of inbound freight; Gain control by use of company-owned or contract shipping, contract warehousing, and trailers for freight consolidation/storage where possible instead of using common carriers. Flexibility in the use of resources Bookbinder and Locke (1986) present a model to determine if JIT distribution methodology is a feasible alternative to traditional distribution methods. They investigated the behaviour of two different distribution models for JIT organizations. In the first, a factory-warehouse-retailer distribution system, the warehouse holds stock. In the second, stock moves from factory directly to retailers. The models were compared using statistical tests, and the second model was determined to be the superior distribution system because it furnished essentially the same service level to retailers while carrying one less echelon of stock. Another mathematical model is offered by Ramasesh (1990) for the implementation of JIT techniques in purchasing systems that have not yet advanced to the ultimate level of JIT purchasing (lot size of one). He treated the fixed costs associated with the adoption of JIT as investment, and justified it based on the savings generated using any of the techniques of investment analysis. He modified the traditional economic order quantity model to include explicitly the costs of small-lot shipments. He also provided guidelines and formulae for determining the order quantity and the optimal number of shipments. Case studies DHL- impact of JIT The founders began to personally ship papers by airline from San Francisco to Honolulu, beginning customs clearance of the ships cargo before the actual arrival of the ship and dramatically reducing waiting time in the harbour. With this concept, a new industry was born: international air express, the rapid delivery of documents and shipments by airplane. DHL network continued to grow at an incredible pace. The company expanded westward from Hawaii into the Far East and Pacific Rim, then the Middle East, Africa and Europe. By 1988, DHL was already present in 170 countries and had 16,000 employees. The different business units of the company are DHL Express DHL Freight DHL Global Forwarding DHL Exel Supply DHL Global Mail The process above mentioned was improved using JIT with following ways Inventory Management Concerning Services For instance, in the case of DHL, vehicles, bicycles and other assets that facilitate service delivery must be accounted for, serviced, ready and available to be used for work purpose. Quality Management Concerning Services Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Competence Courtesy Access Supplier Relations Concerning Services Human Resource Management Concerning Services JIT in retail The key principles of JIT in any system are: No wastage, Total visibility, and Flexibility in the use of human and material resources In any environment these principles translate into three simple rules: dont start any work unless the demand signal indicates a need for more material; if the demand signal indicates a need, work to fill that need; and, never exceed the queue-size limit Automatic Replenishment Systems (ARS) is also an example of application of JIT in retail. JIT in Indian service industry A survey was done on the Indian service industry. The data was collected from the selected service industries and analyzed. The results of degree of importance are given in the table The most important element recognized by the Service industries was waste reduction (mean=0.8929). The least important element was JIDOKA (mean=0.5625). The elements of the study are mentioned in appendix table 1 JIT in hospitals Most research in the health care industry has been directed toward process and information system improvements. Generally, service environments such as health care are likely candidates for JIT if their operations are repetitive, have reasonably high volume, and deal with tangible items such as mail, checks, bills or letters. In hospitals, there is a vital department named CSSD (Centre for Sterilization Service department), the functions of which include materials management, instruments reception, washing, packing and sterilization, sterile store, instruments distribution As an illustration a previous supplier model can be analysed And compared with an improved model, which centralises and streamlines the supply chain JIT in administrative setting JIT practices and their effect on quality can be analysed Human elements of JIT Steps in implementation of JIT in service industry Eliminate disruptions in work of the employees and make the service system flexible and train the workers to handle more variety. reduce set-up time and eliminate waste including errors and duplicate work and minimise work-in process e.g. Packages waiting to be delivered, calls waiting to be answered, pending orders to be processed, trucks waiting to be loaded/unloaded Generally, service environment may benefit from jit system if the operations are repetitive, have high volume, and deal with tangible items e.g. Sandwiches, mail or bills services must involve manufacturing like operation Consistently high quality service employees can be taught the value of providing defect free services uniform facility loading reservation systems and differential pricing are ways to level the load on the facilities standardised work methods high efficiencies achieved by analysing work methods and standardising Close supplier ties volume services such as fast-food joints and mass merchandisers require close supplier contacts to ensure frequent short lead time and high quality shipment of supplies Flexible work force greater the customisation in the service, greater is the need for a multi-skilled workforce e.g. Electronic repair shops needing wider experienced workforce to diagnose the problems and repair the defects Line flow strategy mangers can recognise their employees and equipment to provide uniform flows through the system, and eliminate wasted employee time e.g. Banks use this system in their cheque processing operations Process improvement and problem solving can contribute to streamlining a system, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, and higher productivity e.g. Self service system including retail operations, ATM, vending machines, service stations etc which is the ability to provide services when required simplify the process, especially when customers are part of the system jit services , if achieved , can be a major competitive advantage for companies A Framework Appendix Table 1:
Friday, October 25, 2019
Making Jaun Proud :: essays research papers
The Company is organized into a number of business units. The Company’s North American retail business sells coffee beverages, whole bean coffees and related hardware and equipment through company-operated retail stores in the United States and Canada. The Company’s international retail business consists of entities that own and operate retail stores abroad. These two retail segments are managed by different presidents within the company and are measured and evaluated separately by senior management. The Company operates other business units as well and each is managed and evaluated independently. These other business units are organized around the strategic relationships that govern the distribution of products to the customer. These relationships include retail store licensing agreements, grocery channel licensing agreements, wholesale accounts, and joint ventures. Starbucks Corporation and its subsidiaries buy and roast high quality whole coffee beans. To insure high quality of the product, Starbucks built three roasting plants of it’s own, where highly trained and experienced personnel monitor roasting of beans. Quality standards are so high that entire batches are thrown away after testing if qualifications differ from acceptable standards. Later, beans are sold in primarily company-operated stores along with fresh, rich-brewed coffee, Italian-style espresso beverages, decaffeinated beverages, cold blended beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, coffee-related accessories and equipment, and a line of premium teas. Starbucks sees its success in constant development of its products to bring new experiences and ideas to loyal customers of their coffee-empire. High quality of a product that will appeal to coffee lovers around the world is Starbucks main consideration. Starbucks sells a lifestyle, to customers and employees alike. It has learned from the experience of Pepsi and others to link its brand to new trends. Starbucks' success could be attributed to an objective to meet their customer’s needs, and innovative new product offerings. Selecting a marketing strategy based on a product mix is a key to Starbucks success. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world (McMahon, 2001), and as a result, Starbucks was forced to adopt a high product differentiation strategy. This strategy differentiates the company from the competition, making its product unique, by targeting quality, service, and the price conscious customer. Starbucks retail stores are usually located in high-traffic locations and high visibility areas. To reduce risk of failure and economic fluctuations, properties for the stores are leased. Brand name recognition of Starbucks therefore comes from people being frequently exposed to it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethnographic Observation
I set out to find a place to begin my observations, not knowing what to fully expect, what I may find. So I decided to look around at what is close to my home that isn’t a place I frequent or have even visited at all. Then it came to me, the Starbucks that is only about a mile away is a perfect place for me to observe subjects that I would consider different from myself, seeing as how I consider such obscene prices for coffee ridiculous. Starbucks is a very popular chain of coffee vendors that describe their product as more about quality than what Americans are used to in typical coffee joints. Although I know it is poor technique of me as an anthropologist to have prejudice about any place or people that may be at that place, but I have to admit I already had set in my mind that these people would be â€Å"stuck-up†â€Å"more money than sense†type of people. So upon entering the establishment I decided to blend into as much as possible by ordering one of their Grande size coffees, which is just their basic coffee in a medium size. Then, I found a spot in the corner and began to pretend I was reading the newspaper I had brought as a prop to further help me blend into my surroundings. The aroma of the building was very pleasant blend of coffee and various mixtures of chocolate and hazelnut. It also did have a very friendly feel and accepting sense to the whole thing. So after being in Starbucks for approximately thirty minutes I decided I had enough data to discuss my findings. The business definitely drew in a particular social group. It seemed to consist of mainly white males and females that appeared to be in their early twenties to upper twenties. Also most of them seemed to be more affluent to at least upper middle-class status. I came to this conclusion by the vehicles they drove and also the clothing they were wearing. Most of them were adorned in such brands as Columbia and The North Face, which are higher-end winter apparel. Most of their vehicles appeared to be if not new only a couple of years of age and were in very nice condition. Most of the groupings were either just singular people or couples coming to pick up either a plain coffee or most of the females ordering some mixed espresso or something to that degree. There were a couple of oddities in the data such as a one older couple that came by and also one black male also stopped by to pick up some coffee. Most the behavior I observed was a very casual and relaxed as the people seemed to all be friendly and enjoying their absurd priced beverages. Once in awhile someone would recognize a fellow customer and they would proceed to great each other with either a handshake or hug. Spatial arrangement between people was typical of most American norms. They typically had about a person length in between each person making sure not to get to close to bump into one another which is considered rude in this country. I did my research at approximately 1pm to 1:30pm in the afternoon. I do believe this did influence the type of people I saw in the establishment. If it were early in the morning I believe there would have been slightly older gathering of people going to their respectable jobs. Instead a majority of the customers were college students that were coming in for that mid day pick-up. As for the norms I witnessed they were typical for American establishments, the people working greeted the customers in an almost fake friendly manner that is supposed to comfort and make the customer feel â€Å"at home†in the environment. Then, the customer would reply with what they would like to order and then finish by paying for the product, in this case coffee. In conclusion I have to say that for the most part my presumptions were reinforced which is consistent with what I figured would be the case. Although, it isn’t entirely fair because I didn’t get to truly meet my subjects and understand them fully. I only observed how they behaved in that instance which may have been completely out there norm and even their first time at Starbucks.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Finding “Love In L.A.†Essay
Stuck in traffic on the Hollywood freeway one morning, a happy-go-lucky guy named Jake gets into an accident amidst nursing a fantastic dream about owning a better car than his beat up ’58 Buick. After surveying the damage on his car and the absence of it, Jake sees an opportunity once he meets the victim of his traffic flight of fancy. He unleashes his charms and proceeds to woo his victim, a Venezuelan immigrant named Marianna, by asking her name and number, and by trying to convince her not to let the authorities know what happened. However, all his attempts fail as Marianna keeps shifting the focus back to the problem at hand. When finally confronted with the responsibility for the damages, Jake decides to lie his way out by giving false information regarding his identity and car insurance. Despite these, he pursued Marianna by claiming to be both a musician and an actor. After the so-called solution to the problem, Marianna seems to warm up to Jake and finally relents in giving her number. As they part ways, Jake notices that Marianna jots down his license plates, making sure that he would be traced. However, Jake has the last laugh as it is revealed that his license plates were just stolen from an old junk. The story ends with the sly fox gloating on his escape and slipping back into another fantasy. Love in L. A. is a story about love, or the lack of it. Readers of the story are led to believe that it is a story of two star-crossed lovers, a carefree guy and a stable, proper girl, meeting in the most unlikely of places such as a traffic accident on Hollywood boulevard. However, the story reveals that the romantic notion of finding love in unlikely places is just a fantasy, a flight of fancy not unlike the one Jake was having when he smacked into Marianna’s car. L. A. is perfect as a setting for this story as it is a chorus of both the business world and cultural diversity. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, it is one of the largest and most diverse cities in the United Sates with a population of almost 10 million multicultural residents (State and County Quick facts). Aside from its impressive statistics, it is also home to the most famous entertainment town in the world, Hollywood. It is the perfect place for a carefree character to have a chance encounter with the prim and proper business type. And where else but to stage it in a freeway where all walks of life are made equal by suffering the same fate, being stalled in a traffic jam. Thus, L. A. can be considered a perfect setting for star-crossed â€Å"lovers†meeting in a city’s societal crucible, the freeway. The interaction between the characters when they meet mirrors courtship. The boy finally having a chance to talk to the pretty girl, tries to put his best foot forward while the girl seems impervious to the infatuation. This encounter reveals the hidden agendas, the motives behind the charms and the fallacy of first impressions. Then, the reader is once again taken for a ride as it seems that the prim and proper girl melts to the charm of the easy-go-lucky guy and relents in giving him a sliver of personal information. But this hope is dashed once again in the last part of the story as the masks of the two characters are stripped away to reveal their slyness and manipulation: one is making sure the other will not escape while the other gloats in his final sham. This final encounter supports the fact that the love in this story is nothing more than a means, to be manipulated by both characters to achieve their ends. When Jake Met Marianna The introduction of Jake paints a picture of a carefree easy-go-lucky guy who lives detached from the set rules of life. He is presented as a man whose philosophy hinges on self-freedom rather than stability. He despises being chained to routine, as shown by his arrogance towards ‘the steadily employed’ and his reference to Marianna’s hurrying to the office as ‘boring’. He can be considered a free spirit, not in a positive sense, but rather more as a bum who would rather live in fantasy than face the responsibilities of reality. Despite the age of his car, 52 years old, Jake comes off as middle-aged, around 25-30 years of age, lanky and with a scruffy chin, wearing a shirt with a rock and roll theme, faded jeans and battered Chuck Taylors. He would have been cool if he had focused on restoring his ’58 Buick rather than daydreaming about having a new car. Instead, his daydreaming almost led to the loss of his present car. The traffic accident strengthens the characterization of Jake, magnifying his tendency to live in his dreams rather than face reality. He went for swagger and charms rather than owning up fors his mistake, in the hopes of both escaping the responsibility of paying for the damage and capturing the girl. The traffic accident was also the means for the reader to be introduced to Marianna, the victim of Jake’s daydream. She is first introduced as affable, even smiling at Jake in their first verbal exchange. However, the conflict also reveals her true nature as she deflects all of Jake’s advances to ensure that justice is served. Despite her short exposure and introduction in the story, the reader can glean so much history from the way she reacted to the problem. From the small pieces of information provided in the story, one can infer that Marianna’s immigrant family have had success in their adopted homeland, evidenced by the fact that her father was able to give her a car. She is an independent woman, asserting her right even in the barrage of Jake’s swagger and charm. But, she can also be very manipulative. Realizing that Jake was untrustworthy, she pretended to be affected by her charms so as to escape his advances. Then, when they were about to separate, she jotted down the Buick’s plate number just in case the information received was false. Her efforts failed however as it is revealed that even the plate number was false. The last paragraphs defined both characters. They were an anti-thesis of each other right down to their cars. Jake drove a beat down yet very durable 1958 Buick while Marianna drove a brand new, imported but quite flimsy car. The beat down Buick is an extension of the characterization of Jake in the sense that it had the potential to be a very beautiful car if only taken care of. Its fake plate number represented the swagger of Jake, open to the public but fraudulent. Marianna’s car on the other hand also mirrored her personality. It was new, imported and up to date with the advancements of the modern age. But since it was imported, much like the immigrant Marianna, it was flimsy and not up for the abuse of American freeways. Even the effect of the accident on both owners and cars were similar. Surely, Marianna will be traumatized once she finds out that all the information she got, down to the plate number, were fake and useless, much like her car which was dented and damaged. As for the Buick and Jake, life goes on, the potential of the car continues to be unrealized much like its owner’s reality warped by his fantasies. In closing, the title of the story misleads the reader into thinking that it is indeed a romantic story. Thus, it perfectly encapsulates the underlying theme of misleading. This theme propels the story: from the lies and swagger of Jake to his penchant for living in daydreams to the manipulation of Marianna with Jake’s infatuation of her down to the fake license plates of the Buick. Even readers will shake their heads, falling victims to the same fate as Marianna and her flimsy car. Works Cited U. S. Census Bureau. â€Å"State and County Quick facts†. last revised 21 April 2010. Web. 13 July 2010.
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