Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why People Arent Talking About Need Help to Writing a Research Paper and What You Need to Do Today
Why People Aren't Talking About Need Help to Writing a Research Paper and What You Need to Do Today Need Help to Writing a Research Paper Secrets It's possible to always reach out to your writer to supply more particulars or request information concerning the order's progress. Ebook online dating can enable you to find superior advice. With an ever-increasing quantity of reviews being published each calendar year, and with everyone having to compose a literature review sooner or later during their time at university, it is crucial to comprehend what a literature review is and the way to write it. If you're struggling with presenting a commendable literature review, it is the right time to look for the very best dissertation writing service online that may help you out. The Characteristics of Need Help to Writing a Research Paper As you need about the info you'll be able to learn. Now there's a list of resources. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Law Enforcement - 585 Words
Ethics Issues Law Enforcement Stephanie L. Howe, Brenda Deyo, Bergette Shepherd, Martis Mcfadden CJA/324 April 1, 2013 Donal Hardin Ethics Issues Law enforcement men and women put their lives on the line to serve and protect the communities that they live in but it is when one or two of those make a bad decision that can quickly change the perspective of society. This perspective of trust, respect, safety and integrity can be changed in a short time by a few unethical choices and to rebuild that perspective can take many years. This is a sad world that we live in when we cannot trust the people that have sworn to serve and protect our communities to make the right decisions when it comes to their duties. There are so many†¦show more content†¦The whole ordeal was caught on video by other detectives that were investing human trafficking nearby, whom stepped in to get help to the beaten men (Lynch, 2013) . These three particular incidents appear to be nothing out of the ordinary these days for police departments across the country, all of this are very inappropriate and all different forms of misconduct unethical to say the least. The officers of time past were respectful and treated people the way that they should fair, innocent until proven guilty and there were not as many officers that were being called out for misconduct. This is partly due to the swing in society but also the capabilities of cell phones, on board cameras and the ability to share just as quick as you can record, technology surely has not been friendly to the police in America. The technology meant to protect the police is now their downfall because of their heinous actions, that are less than ethical but also less than human. References Lynch, T. (2013, March 26). National Police Misconduct Reporting Project. Retrieved from WDIV Detroit. (2013, March 27). Ex-Royal Oak officer sentenced to prison for child porn on home computer. Retrieved fromShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology In Law Enforcement1494 Words  | 6 Pages Technology has been changing for years. It has been improving and it has been improving very fast. Technology place a big role in law enforcement. Before all the improvements in technology it was usually the officer’s words against the subjects. That has change dramatically. Law enforcement personal wear cameras on their body to record their encounters with the people they are dealing with. This helps with the safety of the officers and also the people they are dealing with. TechnologyRead MoreLaw Enforcement : An Amazing Experience Essay1540 Words  | 7 PagesLaw enforcement do so much in the world. No matter where you go they are always helping people. I did not truly understand what they all do until I went on a ride along with the Columbus police department. Going on this ride along was an amazing experience. 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The structural frame creates compartmentalized specialization, and predictable, uniform task performanceRead MoreLaw Enforcement Cameras an Invasion of Privacy1083 Words  | 5 PagesThe past decade has seen a proliferation of law enforcement security cameras in public areas, with central London having more cameras than any other city. In cities like New York, Los Angeles, and central London, cameras can be found at almost every intersection. Terrorist attacks have been a major basis for this significant increase in law enforcement security cameras; however, privacy advocates, along with many o f the public, feel that it’s an invasion of privacy. People are concerned that allRead MoreLaw Enforcement Within The United States2953 Words  | 12 Pages Law Enforcement officers have one of the most critical jobs in the United States. Their lives are always on the line and they are of high regards. This means they cannot fail! The results of their jobs do not only depend on their actions but also on the people. What this means is the community has a huge role when it comes to solving crime. Though many people may not believe it, they are the key to a successful crime prevention community. The people of the United States don’t really understand bothRead MoreSuccessful Law Enforcement Agency Management1225 Words  | 5 Pagesdifference between a successful law enforcement organization or its failure. There are several theories on effective management in law enforcement and the business world alike. Some of those theories can cross over and be helpful for a law enforcement manager. A manager can have the knowledge of all theory relative to law enforcement management, but without understanding several key concepts, the manager will in turn not be effective. An effective law enforcement manager is responsible for far moreRead MoreDiversity in Law Enforcement Essay926 Words  | 4 PagesFinal Paper Diversity in law enforcement has grown to become a hot topic within the law enforcement community. The demographic of society has changed dramatically over the last 20 years and with that law enforcement has been changing, but have they been changing enough? Different law enforcement agencies have their own ways of implementing diversity in their practices and procedures, some of them are better than others, but with issues that happen today it is important that they do something. Read MoreThe Law Enforcement Oath Of Honor1540 Words  | 7 Pages and few other lines of work can offer. The Law Enforcement Oath of Honor as stated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police goes: â€Å"On my honor, †¨I will never betray my badge, †¨my integrity, my character, †¨or the public trust. †¨I will always have†¨the courage to hold myself†¨and others accountable for our actions. †¨I will always uphold the constitution, my community, and the agency I serve.†(IACP) Before any officer takes the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor, one of the most important aspects
Monday, December 9, 2019
To What Extent Can Economics Be Considered a Science free essay sample
The issue of categorizing fields of academia truly â€Å"scientific†is invariably complex, leading to much debate. Matters such as defining what Science actually is, how to judge what can satisfy such a definition and the importance of beneficial discoveries all lead to further unsolved arguments which must be understood in order to make any kind of judgment. For economics, there is the argument that broad assumptions lead to imprecise data, that any tests are fundamentally flawed by their un-replicable nature, and that with so much dependant on human behavior, there can never be finite conclusions. Conversely these points are argued down, with justification of how they do indeed fulfill scientific criteria and that economics has led to many much-valued scientific discoveries. In order to better understand these arguments and judge the credibility of what is being said I will ascertain what is meant by a Science, look at how economics can be said to fulfill this, how it deviates from it and then cite important examples where further judgment can be considered. So what does â€Å"science†mean? To take what could be seen as the most widely agreed upon meaning and consider the dictionary definition it is â€Å"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment†. The relative generalisation of this statement leads us to further interpretation. A process that appears to be key throughout any degree of scientific study is that of hypotheses validation. The idea is that through observation of a phenomenon, one can hypothesise an explanation of it and also predict other phenomena that follow as a result. Previously, before the formalisation of the social sciences throughout the 19th century, it was commonly accepted that the only approach to validate such hypothesis was through the use of Scientific Method. This process involves performing, repeatable, controlled, experimental tests on a hypothesis in an attempt to validate it (hence transforming it into a â€Å"theory†) with quantitative results. Although this serves well as a theoretical ideal, it is often the case that predictions can be verified into theories where such precise testing is simply unachievable. Take Darwins theory of natural selection; there were of course no methodological tests that could be performed to prove its legitimacy since he didn’t have millions of years to watch species evolve survival characteristics. However through dense observation of thousands of different animals he could accurately demonstrate how and why his predictions must be true. This links in with philosopher Karl Popper’s widely accepted theory of science: that any scientific statement must be open to the logical possibility of being found false by observation or experiment. For example the statement â€Å"all grass is green†is empirically verifiable because there could be grass of another colour. The same is true for more complex, detailed statements. So conclusively, to categorize academia as science, it must be formed upon the discovery of previously untested theories that have been validated to an almost perfect degree of certainty, making them widely accepted beyond question. As I will demonstrate, it is the proof with certainty that is often called into question within the economic profession. When examining the argument of economics as unscientific, I have come to see that it’s more a case of finding ways in which it doesn’t fit in with scientific reasoning. This, as opposed to one specific case being put forward to discredit it entirely, leads to much more discussion, allowing merit to be assigned to each reason individually. This evaluation will be best done once the reasoning on either side has been explained. In terms of methodology, mainstream economists operate in much the same way as practitioners of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry and physics). They look to construct models that can be used to explain and predict phenomena. However, conducting controlled experiments in economics is impossible. This is because of the often numerous assumptions that have to be considered when formulating any model of economic behaviour. Perhaps the two key assumptions are those of economic rationally and ceteris paribus. Economists assume that all people, as consumers, employees or whichever role they fulfil in a particular scenario, will always act as rational agents, seeking to maximise any potential self-gain that can be achieved. This is of course not always the case; people will consider other factors such as moral issues or long-term strategies. Consequently, models involving such an assumption will always involve a degree of error, variable in size depending on the weight the assumption carries; this could therefore strongly affect the validity of any conclusions. This then calls into question its scientific status, since the proof given to affirm the hypothesis is only true to an unknown extent. The Ceteris Paribus assumption leads to much the same sense of ambiguity. Here it is assumed that within a model, all other variables other than the one in question will remain equal throughout. 5 For the same reasons as the rationality assumption this will never always be perfectly accurate within the real world. As described by William Barnett, human beings, the subject of economics, are characterised by free will, where molecules, cells and particles, studied in the natural sciences are not. There can be no constants in the former, while the latter is replete with them. There is even a feeling from within the profession that theories are becoming handicapped by the vast quantities of mathematical formulae attributed to modelling phenomenon. The Austrian school of thought contains economists who believe Methodological Individualism (the thought that social phenomena must stem from the intentional states of individual actors, whose actions are determined by these states ) is the only accurate way to study economics. Mainstream economists do however refute the points set out above, with strong counter arguments as to how economics retains its scientific nature. The use of assumptions, they argue, is merely a tool used when an established theory has already been observed to be true; and that making such assumptions allows models to help us forecast future occurrences. Although it will be unachievable to do so with a perfect level of accuracy, it is argued that so long as economists are aware of the shortcomings of their models, no drastically imprecise conclusions will be reached. The cynics argue that any economic model is fundamentally flawed because of its reliance on assumptions. In almost all cases it is not this straight forward. Self-awareness of which assumptions can be relied upon to still give accurate data is at the forefront of any economists mind. And with the aid of modern technologies, factors that previously had to be assumed can now be broken down and modelled (eg, all the factors that determine supply). So if we were to reject the claim that assumptions and mathematical modelling can disprove economic theories, arguing that they simply expand on established knowledge, are we left with a pure science? Many would argue so, citing how the vast majority of economic theory still holds true without redictive models. Correct hypotheses validation, based upon observational analysis is irrefutably scientific. Just because economists cannot accurately model exact changes in for example, consumer demand as a reaction to a large rise in price, they can establish, though hundreds of years of statistical data, theories of how and this demand will fall. Russ Roberts, an economist specialising in international trade policy for the Hoover Institution, compares the intricate, complex human relationships found in economics to those of ecosystems studied by biologists. He argues â€Å"We do not expect a biologist to forecast how many squirrels will be alive in ten years if we increase the number of trees in the United States by 20%†questioning why, just because economics cannot produce similarly elaborate predictions around its theories, it should be brandished as unscientific. Going back to my original question, I will now try to piece together to what degree economics can be considered scientific. The very nature of human behaviour, and the sheer complexity of the economy make it intrinsically difficult to produce repeatable experiments. For example, how people will react to a specific change in interest rates can be predicted holistically, but not in the exact manner that a chemist can predict the reaction of a metal to a specified heat. This is not to say theories thus become unscientific. If they still prove hypothesis beyond any doubt (which has been proven achievable within economics) then there is no question of their scientific nature. Why then can there still be contrasting theories in economics? Mostly this only occurs when advising on the best cause of action to influence economic behaviour, when contrasting models forecast different results under different courses of action. Almost always in these cases, the underlying theory of what influences certain factors is never called into question, economists simply argue over how best to achieve the most desirable results. Such arguments will occur when models have failed and given unreliable results, due to too much weight being placed upon assumptions. This it seems is where economics is going wrong. In attempting to follow the methodology used in the natural sciences, it is distancing itself from the reality that human behaviour is what is really at the core of the profession. This can lead to ignorant overlooking of key determinants, such in the failure to foresee the credit crisis of 2008. In accepting its status as a social science, rather than constantly trying to overcomplicate itself modelling experiments that will invariably give imprecise results, economics would without doubt still be valued scientific.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Moral Of Everyman Essays - Everyman, Morality Play, Heaven
The Moral Of Everyman The Moral of Everyman Everyman, an English morality play, is an allegory of death and the fate of the soul. Summoned by Death, Everyman calls on Fellowship, Goods and Strength for help, but they desert him. Only Good Deeds and Knowledge remain faithful and lead him toward salvation. Everyman represents, in a worldly sense; every man. The play unfolds as he wrestles with his own qualities, whether they be good or evil. The way Everyman reacts to these qualities is impressive as they morally obligate him to do good or tempt him to do evil. Everyman can be pulled towards Heaven or Hell and it is not until Death knocks at his door that he begins to follow the path towards Heaven. Every character represents a different characteristic of the main character, Everyman. The characters are symbolic. For example, Beauty, Strength, and Discretion are some different characteristics that were expressed in Everyman. It is true that these characteristics make up a person, but they are not the most important. The most important characteristic in a person is doing good deeds. Knowledge also makes up who a person can be. Everyman had many important characteristics in his life, but, when Everyman went to the afterlife, the only thing that went with him was his knowledge, and good deeds. Death was an important character in Everyman. Death symbolized a messenger of God. He was the figure that went down to earth to retrieve Everyman and take him to the afterlife. Death was a significant part of Everyman because he motivated Everyman to find something to accompany him on his eternal journey to heaven or to hell. All of the characters that Everyman pleads with to be his companion forsake him. Only one character, Good Deeds, holds true to his word to accompany Everyman. When Everyman makes his reckoning to God, his good deeds are the only things that speak for him. In the end, Everyman's soul is saved, but only by the grace of God. For He and He alone decides who is admitted to His Kingdom. The strong influence of the Roman Catholic Church at that time period was evident in the references to Mary and Good Deeds. For they believed that good deeds could get you into heaven. Believing that you could gain entrance into heaven by simply doing good deeds is a foolish belief. For as Christians, we know that Ephesians 2:8 and 9 says, ?For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.?
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