Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of `` The Ways Of Oppression `` By F. Nelson Mandela
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall†– Nelson Mandela. It takes high risks and a lot of vitality to overcome oppression. In Martin Luther King’s essay, â€Å"The Ways of Oppression,†there are three distinct ways on how to deal with oppression, which are acquiescence, violence, and non-violent resistance. All of these strategies of dealing with oppression are established in both the film and novel adaptation of the â€Å"Unbroken,†as Louie Zamperini spends many years as a POW in Japan enduring cruel oppression. Throughout the story, the three strategies alternate amongst Louie and his fellow POWs, however, towards the end it’s clear that non-violent resistance is the most successful form of overcoming oppression because it makes Louie the bigger man in learning how to forgive and understand more openly. The first way of dealing with oppression King mentions in his essay is acquiescence. He describes the acquiescence method as the oppressor becoming accustomed to the unjust treatment. In the novel, Unbroken, it became a daily routine for the men to carry tons of coal on their backs. â€Å"They pushed aboard one another, and the hauling went on, punishing their bodies and numbing their minds†(187). This shows how Louie and his fellow POWs grew accustomed to the painful labor their endured at the camp. They couldn’t do anything but continue working because their lives were at risk from the deadly conditions. Another characteristic of theShow MoreRelatedIf Inequality Is Increasing, Are We Likely to See More Armed Conflict?4618 Words  | 19 Pagesmy claim for complexity. In recent times, inequality has been even increasing, yet violent conflict has been comparably less numerous and widespread. How this instance corresponds with the inequality/conflict link will constit ute the last point of analysis. Part I: A theoretical consideration of inequality and armed conflict Academic writing on the relationship of inequality and conflict has been exhaustive, yet it has rarely created clear results. Contradictory results might be explained byRead MoreA Critical Review of â€Å"the Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America†by Tamir Bar-on.14147 Words  | 57 PagesA Critical Review of â€Å"The Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America†by Tamir Bar-On. Introduction: In Latin America, soccer is not a game; it is a way of life. It is mixed in with politics and nationalism. It defines social classes. How politically influential is soccer in Latin America? It is used by â€Å"various Latin American socio-economic elites in order to retard the acceleration of working class and popular discontent†(Bar-On 1997:1.8). Is itRead MoreCoco Cola18335 Words  | 74 PagesThe water is virtually free to all users. These farmers who have been protesting say their problems began after the Coca-Cola factory arrived in 1999. The company has been trying to regain the plant s license, fighting a case that has gone all the way to India s Supreme Court.[17] Near the holy city of Varanasi in northeastern India, a local water official blamed a Coke plant  which has been the scene of many protests by NGOs and local residents  for polluting groundwater by releasing wastewaterRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages Managementâ€â€-Study and teaching. 2. Managementâ€â€Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173â€â€dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLSRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagescompanies had counted for cash flow. Increasingly demanding consumer and industrial buyers are basing their purchasing decisions on the quality of products and services, and this requires manufacturers to be vastly more effective and to strengthen the way they manage customer relationships. The sellers are now deeply partnered with supply chain processes; this means that the cost and timing of new product releases have taken on new meaning and have new requirements. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Concept Of State Of Emergency - 2090 Words
ïÆ'Ëœ CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT OF ‘STATE OF EMERGENCY’ It is critical to start by characterizing what scholars mean by the term emergency. The idea of emergency law is focused around the reality that the general motivation behind all government truly is the benefit of the individuals. Emergency law implies that the ruler or the government in an emergency circumstance can take measures that are outside the boundary of confinement of the law or against the immediate letters of the law. Emergency law must be chosen by the executive power, the executive extension of government. Democracy, laws and human rights are only means that the individuals can use to control the executive extension and in this way guarantee that it meets†¦show more content†¦It takes measures for circumstances, which lawmakers were not able to foresee, when the laws were made. Emergencies frequently indicate unpredicted circumstances that at the same time represent a risk and require quick reaction. Zuckerman notes three parts of an emergency: an epistemic segment ( unexpected, sudden ), a fleeting part ( requests quick activity ), and an existential segment ( represents an essential danger ), as in an emergency is a danger to something s presence, security, or integrity. That is, emergencies are unforeseen occasions that create a danger and oblige pressing activity. Machiavelli and Locke offer the estimation that there will dependably be unanticipated phenomena in political life and that executives hold sole power to focus when occasions constitute crises. These scholars, then again, give contrasting views of what produces a fundamental threat. The thought that an emergency represents a peril to something s presence is a principle purpose of contention between Machiavelli and Locke. For Machiavelli, a danger emerges when a startling episode may hinder t he ruler s capacity to hold power, and the sovereign ought to be the main individual with the power to focus when this danger exists. Conversely, Locke contends that dangers to the public good constitute emergency circumstances, and it is dependent upon the official to recognize when a circumstance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Short History of Myanmar Free Essays
Derived from BAMAR * ‘Burma’ – spoken form * ‘Myanmar’ – literary form 2. BASIC FACTS * Official Name – Republic of the Union of Myanmar * Capital – Naypyidaw * Form of Government – Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic * President – Thein Sein * Vice-President – Nyan Thun (Navy Chief) * 2nd Vice-President – Sai Mauk Kham World Organizations – UN (1948), ASEAN (June 23, 1997) * Ethnic Group – Burmans 68%, Shan 9%, Karen 7%, Rakhine 4%, Chinese 3%, Indian 2%, Mon 2%, Others 5% * Language – Burmese (Sino-Tibetan) * Currency – Kyat (K) * Religion – Theravada Buddhism 89%, Christianity 4%, Islam 4%, Others 2%, Hinduism 1% * Foreign Rulers – Chinese, Muslims, Indians, BRITISH, Japanese * Date of Independence – (from British) January 4, 1948 * Geography – largest country in the mainland SEA Bordered on the NW by India and Bangladesh, NE by Tibet and China, SE by Laos and Thailand, S by the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea * Highest point is Hkakabo Razi in Kachin / highest mountain in SEA, along the borders of Myanmar, India and China / along the foothills of the Himalayas * Lowest point is Andaman Sea/Burma Sea, southeast of Bay of Bengal * Major rivers are Irrawaddy, Thanlwin, Sittang * Climate – Hot season is from March to May, rainy season is from June to October and cold season is from November to February 3. EARLY HISTORY Pyu (1st century BC) – entered the Irrawaddy Valley / established city states * Mon (6th century BC) – southern part of Myanmar / had cultural and economic links with India gt; Buddhism * Mranma/Bamar/Burmans (9th century BC) – settled in the Irrawaddy basin / dominant ethnic group / started the Pagan empire 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Short History of Myanmar or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1044-1077 * Founded by King Anawrahta * Flourished in the upper Irrawaddy Valley * Laid the foundation of the Burmese language and culture, the spread of Burman ethnicity, and the growth of Theravada Buddhism in Burma and in the mainland * Fall: attacks of the Mongol empire . WARRING STATES PERIOD * Ava Kingdom (1364-1555) – Led by Burmanized Shan kings who claimed descent from Pagan kings – Founded by Thadominbya * Hanthawaddy Kingdom/Hanthawaddy Pegu – Dominant kingdom in southern Burma – Founded by King Wareru 6. FORTY YEARS WAR * Military conflict between Ava and Pegu * 1st half – Ava invaded Pegu and was defeated; Ava signed a truce * 2nd half – Pegu attacked Ava to stop its expansion; Ava signed another truce and broke it * After the war, Hanthawaddy Pegu reached its golden age through profits and commercializing . TOUNGOO DYNASTY * King Mingyinyo founded the First Taungoo Dynasty * Tabinshwehti unified most of Burma and was crowned king of all Burma in 1544 * Burma became an important trading center with the coming of European traders * Bayinnaung succeeded the throne in 1551 and reigned for 30 years, launching a campaign of conquest invading several states 8. KONBAUNG DYNASTY * Last dynasty in Burma * Founded by a village-chief Alaungpaya Reunited all of Burma, extinguished the Hanthawaddy dynasty and drove out the European powers who provided arms to Hanthawaddy * 1760-1855 – series of wars with Siam until the two countries exchanged Tenasserim (to Burma) and Lan Na (to Siam) 9. FIRST ANGLO-BURMESE WAR * King Bodawpaya – expanded westward which happened to include areas near the borders of the British India * British won – full control over Assam, Manipur, Cachar, Arakan, Jaintia, and Tenasserim * Burmese – forced to pay 1M pound sterling and sign a commercial treaty * Longest and most expensive war in British Indian history 10. SECOND ANGLO-BURMESE WAR * Commodore George Lambert – sent to Burma to resolve some minor issues regarding the Treaty of Yandabo * George Lambert blocked the port of Rangoon, seizing the King’s royal ship * Britain also wanted the teak forests in the southern parts of Burma and the port between Calcutta and Singapore * The British succeeded – annexed Pegu and renaming it Lower Burma 11. THIRD ANGLO-BURMESE WAR King Mindon tried to modernize the Burmese state and economy to resist British encroachments * The British claimed that Mindon’s son, Thibaw Min, was a tyrant intending to side with the French * The British won for the last time, making Burma a province of the British Raj 12. BRITISH RULE * Capital at Rangoon * Traditional Burmese society was changed by the end of monarchy * Demand for Burmese rice grew and lands were opened for cultivation * Farmers were forced to borrow money from Indian moneylenders called ‘chettiars’ * Burmese economy grew but all the power and wealth remained in the British firms 3. NATIONALIST MOVEMENT * Dominated by Ethnic Burmese * Strongly anti-Chinese and anti-Indians * Domination of Myanmar economy by foreign capital stimulated the dev’t of socialist ideology * The stress on Buddhism as being the core of cultural, religious and personal identity alienated the non-Burmese 14. JAPANESE RULE * Nominally declared Burma independent as the ‘State of Burma’ on August 1, 1943 * Asia for the Asians Co-Prosperity Sphere (self-sufficient bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers) * 1944: Aung San established the Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League * 1945: British troops had regained control 15. INDEPENDENCE * Britain – move Myanmar towards full self-governance (under the British Commonwealth) * January 1947: Aung San led the AFPFL to London – election for a constitution * Won the elections, but Aung San was assassinated U Nu led Myanmar to independence from the British on January 4, 1948 * Union of Burma – federal state composed of large Burmese are and four upland states * General Ne Win – led a military coup to overthrow U Nu’s elected government * Many people supported the coup = end to the corruption, instability, inflation and social unrest * Military-based political party: Burma Socialist Program Party * 1974: new Constitution – Socialist Republic of the Union Of Burma * 1987: UN – Myanmar as the least developed nation, one of the world’s 10 poorest countries * Two economies: the legal state-controlled economy the black market economy * State Law and Order Restoration Council – General Saw Maung * Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of Aung San, won the elections but was placed under house arrest * March 27, 2006 – the capital was officially named Naypyidaw Myodaw (Royal City of the Seat of Kings) * 2005 – capital from Yangon to Naypyidaw * May 10, 2008 – from the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar How to cite Short History of Myanmar, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Case Study Of Reebok and Adidas Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Case Study Of Reebok and Adidas. Answer: Introduction The industry related t the production of the athletic shoes initiated in the year 1895. The establishment of the brand Reebok was seen in the year 1958. Reebok started manufacturing running shoes with spikes invoiced in the sole of the shoes. Being the initiator of the spiked shoes the brand gained popularity and the rate of global acceptance of the brand was very high. With the high acceptance rate of the products that were being manufactured by Reebok, the global scenario of the brand in the perspective of sales and brand popularity was at its peak. With the introduction of Nike in the field of athletic shoe manufacturer the sales and the popularity of Reebok was facing a downfall in the global market. This report will discuss about the objective and importance of the case study. This report will also discuss about the details of the case study that are relevant in nature. This report will further provide the analysis of the case study. This report will also discuss about the theor etical implications of the marketing strategies of the project that is being initiated. This project will also discuss about the key issues of the brand Reebok that has been the main reason for the downfall of the brand. This report will also provide recommendations to the brand to sustain the market. Despite of the downfall that it has been facing in the market. Relevant details of the case Emergence of the athletic shoe brands Te emergence of the athletic shoe manufacturing brands started in the year of 1980s. The four brands with high aspiration entered the market for achieving the silverware by manufacturing the sports shoes. The legacy of manufacturing athletic shoes started in the year 1895, when Joseph William Foster decided to manufacture athletic shoes and invoiced spikes into the shoes in order to help the runners to gain grip during running. The spikes were totally hand-made. In the year 1958 the two grandsons of Joseph William Foster established the brand Reebok. After the emergence of Reebok, during 1995, when Reebok was going through the downfall, Nike started emerging as the leading athletic shoe brand manufacturer. Adidas saw themselves emerging in the year 1954, after the Second World War. They gained popularity as they supplied cleats to the German International team during the world cup victory. Life Cycle of Reebok Despite of the fact that the life cycle of Reebok initiated at 1958, Paul Fireman initiated the modern version of Reebok in the year 1979, when he first came across the shoes in an international trade show. After being introduced to the shoes, he started negotiating for taking the right to sell the brand in the North America. In the year 1979, Paul Fireman established the company with the name of Reebok in the Northern America. In the year 1982, Reebok started manufacturing aerobic shoes that helped women who practiced aerobic. With the drastic growth rate in the acceptance of the brand in the year 1995, Reebok made a sale of $3 billion since the last decade. In the early years of 1990, the trend of aerobics was decreasing in a rapid rate, which causes a decline in sales for Reebok as it was mainly focused on the sales of the aerobic shoes that were targeted for the female clients of the brands. Reebok wanted to expand its business in other sector of sports but Nike was already predo minant in the field where Reebok was trying to set up their business. In the year 1995, Nike surpassed the sales of Reebok by $1.33 billion. The main hindrance that stood in front of Reebok the lack of are the lack of relation between the Foot Locker and their brand. This communication gap was made full use by the Nike athletic shoes production house. Previously, when Nike was not completely established and was just emerging as a brand in the field of manufacturing athletic shoes, Reebok got the chance to start the business with the Foot Locker but due to the lack of time to produce custom footwear for the Foot lockers the business never progressed to a fruitful end. Nike in other hand had agreed to meet the requirements of the Foot Lockers and manufactured custom athletic shoes for the Foot Lockers. Considering the weak market bases Eli Lily, the trainer in the Reebok thought that there must have been some software issues that has led to the lack of sales of the brand. Reebok along with Lee and Wrangler processed the advancement of the SAP version. This advancement took longer time than the expected deadline of the project. In the mid 2003, Reebok gained their sales and made a great business. The reason of this increase in their sales was the conflict between Nike and the Foot lockers. In 2005, Adidas took the initiative to buy Reebok. Adidas was fighting to sustain the competition in Europe as Nike proved to be the killer of the entire competition. To face the fierce competition provided by Nike Adidas decided to buy Reebok and use Reebok in the department of training and fitness. After failing to sign Jordan as the basketball ambassador and again losing the chance of signing the wonder kid of basket ball Lebron James, Adidas decided to invest in signing multiple stars as their rookie in the field f basketball (Mantovani and Galvo, 2017). Adidas soon realized that launching the predator soccer shoes in Europe will help them conquer the market as emotion re r elated to the predator shoes were used by the likes of David Bekham and many other soccer stars. Gradually Adidas started outshining Nike in the mid range sport shoes. Despite the fact that Adidas combined with Reebok was giving a tough competition to Nike but Nike was still crowned as the brand that is labeled to be selling the highest number of pairs of athletic shoes. In the mid 2000s, Reebok was one of the reasons that brought Adidas the success. Out of the net turnover of $12 billion in Europe, Reebok had its share prominent with $1.9 billion. Reebok restocking the old stock of athletic shoes that were in trend that got the brand promoted to the highly ranked tier standing second just behind the likes of the Skechers (Tae-Gyu, K.I.M. and Wi-Young, 2015). The CEO of Adidas was much pleased with the growth of the brand under their legacy. This growth in the brand of Reebok forced Nike to collaborate with the brand named Converse and invest a lot of revenue to buy the brand in ord er to compete with Adidas in the field of training and fitness field. In the year 2009, Reebok manufactured toning shoes that claimed that wearing them itself is enough to get rid of specific muscular problems and no other mean of treatment will be required. This model of the shoe was targeted mainly for the women. But the science and technology used in the making of the shoes was not well matched with the claims that were made by the brand. Reebok had to settle a lawsuit and pay $25 million to the U.S Federal trade Commission in order to repay the unsatisfied clients. Despite these acts Reebok has still been doing well in the market of athletic shoes and is collaborated with the SAP ERP to sustain the competition with Nike. Analysis of the case This case study initially deals with the emergence of the athletic shoe brand Reebok. The brand seems to emerge in a very fast rate, as they were the initial manufacturers of athletic shoes with spikes invoiced in the shoes that will help the athletes to gain a proper grip during running in the track (Romeo, 2016). The business of Reebok was flourishing in a very fast rate as it started manufacturing products that were aimed at a particular scope of the athletics field as well as the products for the general athletic fields. With the increase in popularity of the field of athletics that the brand was gaining, according to the report the brand was not willing to make further modifications in the making of their products. This stable and never changing technology in the brand motive brought in stagnation in the market for the style of shoes that Reebok manufactured. Due to lack of time, Reebok could not manufacture customized products for the Foot Lockers. The gradual profit terms were decreasing in annual basis as the in between 1997 to 1999 the net sales dropped by $3.6 billion again in between 1999 to 2000, the sales decreased by $2.9 billion. This decrease in the net sales of the brand Reebok resulted in growth of the brand Nike as an elite athletic shoe brand. Nike took the advantage of collaborating with the Foot lockers for the supply of their athletic shoes (Jain, 2017). This causes the flash marketing for the Nike as they were collaborated with the Foot lockers in order to increase the sales growth. This growth in the sales of the athletic shoe with the Feet Lockers took Nike to an elite level. This phenomenon was the main reason behind the decline in the growth of Reebok (Fatma, 2018). Another aspect that resulted in the down fall of Reebok is that the downfall in the interest of the aerobics, as Reebok mainly focused on the field of aerobics under which they targeted the women participants of the field (Kempf and Franklin, 2016). Due to the lessening o f the interest in the field of aerobics, the sales of athletic shoe decreases which in turn affected sales of the brand annually (Erus, 2016). Adidas being another athletic shoe manufacturing brand that has been emerging as one of the biggest brands after Nike in Europe. To get into the competition of being the biggest manufacturer of athletic shoes, they decided to collaborate with Reebok and spent a huge revenue to buy the brand (Lee and Kahle, 2016). After buying the brand for few years Reebok was not yielding the expected outcome in number of sales, but during the conflict of Nike with the Foot Lockers Reebok again gained the acceptance in the market by restocking the old foot wears and was just ranked behind Skechers in terms of yearly turnover of the training and fitness aspect of athletics. In 2010, a web served store was constructed where the shoes of Reebok was sold as the official product where discount on very less amount was provided (Erhard, Werner and Michael, 2014). T his increase in the emergence of the turn over by Adidas that had already collaborated with Reebok forced Nike to collaborate with Converse and spend a huge revenue. Despite all this competition, Nike remained the brand with the highest turnover (Cho and Kim, 2016). The SAP version that was used initially by Reebok was also upgraded to a much updated version of SAP which was possible with the help of LEE and Wrangler as the modification was suggested by the Reebok, Lee and Wrangler (Duncan, 2016). Key issues The main issues in the management of Reebok that led to the downfall of the brand are that the brand after getting a proper start to the marketing aspect of the brand due to the innovative ideas that were incorporated in the products that were manufactured by the company and did not intend to evolve their manufacturing infrastructure (Chatwin, 2017). The main motive of the company was to manufacture the most in numbers and to reduce the cost of production. This aspect of the increasing the production as well as lowering the production cost leads to the factor of not being able to customize the shoes manufactured by them. This led to the decline of the brand (Dolgin, 2017). Another reason of the company for not being able to flourish is the reason that they did not pair up with the Foot Lockers despite the fact that the Foot Lockers wanted to collaborate with the brand but due to lack of time for customizing shoes for them the Foot lockers and Reebok did not went on to crack the deal (Burns, Carberry and Schwartz, 2015). Nike was later seen to collaborate with Foot Lockers and reach the highest standards of the business their field leaving behind Reebok as their competitor. Recommendations The only recommendation that can be provided to the brand is that they must not provide misleading marketing policies as they did for the toning shoes which will lead to the decrease in good will of the brand and the brand loyalty decreases and this in turn positively affects the growth of their competitors (Nigg et al. 2015) . The company must seek to improve their technologies and the modification and customizations must be made in order to stay updated with the regular trend. The company has already collaborated with Adidas hence must act with the technology that the Adidas uses in order to gain the dominance in the global market and reach the peak of the market. The software systems that the brand is using must be updated to its highest order. This updated version will provide the increase in the efficiency of the marketing strategy of the brand leading to the success in marketing of the products that will be launched by Reebok. On following these recommendations the brand can re gain its glory days. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be concluded that the emergence of Reebok was an obvious choice as it was the first brand to launch athletic shoes with spikes in order to found better grip on the track. Despite of getting a massive launch Reebok failed to maintain the dominance in the field of athletic shoe brands as Nike took over Reebok as a brand due to the availability of customized shoes. Reebok did not intend on growing as fast as it needed to and did not focus on modifying the shoes as per the requirement of the clients. This factor of not being capable enough to cope up with the pace created Nike the space to conquer the market. The downfall of Reebok embarked the superiority of Nike, which later led to Reebok being sold to Adidas for te betterment of the company. References Buckeridge, E., LeVangie, M.C., Stetter, B., Nigg, S.R. and Nigg, B.M., 2015. An on-ice measurement approach to analyse the biomechanics of ice hockey skating.PloS one,10(5), p.e0127324. Burns, R., Carberry, S. and Schwartz, S.E., 2015, April. Classifying Salient Textual Entities in the Headlines and Captions of Grouped Bar Charts. InFLAIRS Conference(pp. 217-220). Chatwin, C. R. (2017). 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